Hi, I am Zhiqiang, a second year Computer Science Ph.D. student at Stanford University.

My research aims to build infrastructures to enable more efficient and large-scale machine learning and enhance observability and reliability of such systems. I am part of the MAST Lab, advised by Prof. Christos Kozyrakis and I also work closely with Prof. Kayvon Fatahalian.

Prior to joining Stanford, I obtained my master’s and bachelor’s degrees at ShanghaiTech University and had a great time interning in the Cloud Software System Group at Max Planck Institute for Software Systems (MPI-SWS), the Systems and Networking Research Group at Microsoft Research Asia and the DGL team at AWS Shanghai AI Lab.



Apr, 2024 I will join NVIDIA Research Programming System Group this summer as a research intern, happy to meet up if you are around!
Mar, 2024 ZeroNIC was accepted to OSDI ‘24! Please drop by our poster if you are in the Bay for the conference : )
Mar, 2024 Check out SGLang, your next LLM serving engine : )
Jun, 2023 I will join Microsoft Research Cloud Reliability Group this summer as a research intern, happy to meet up if you are around!
Apr, 2023 Madrona was accepted to SIGGRAPH ‘23! Join us to discover how to scale out your reinforcement training by orders of magnitude.